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Review Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (1992): Dumb!

genre: action, horror

Both Maniac Cop and Maniac Cop 2 are little gems. One is more mystery horror oriented and the sequel more action oriented. But both were about Matt Cordell getting justice. His story was concluded. Although the ending suggests differently.

For some unknown reason, Matt Cordell gets resurrected again by a voodoo priest. The priest tells Cordell he has an important job to do. And that is to save and protect Katie Sullivan, who has the reputation to be just as deadly and effective as Matt Cordell. Cordell is very game for this prospect and even projects his dream wedding upon Katie, who basically is brain-dead. Frankie Jessup and his accomplice are responsible for this. So one would think that Cordell would focus on that. But no, like with his own case, he wants to clear Katie's name first. Cordell does this like we are used to from him, and it's great. What isn't great, is the fact that Cordell really has no reason to be there. He finally had found peace, but now gets awoken by this priest and be miserable again for some undead waifu? It doesn't make much sense. And for a minute I liked the idea of the maniac cop having a female partner cleaning the streets of all the scum and filth. Sadly, the film never really goes into this direction since Katie definitely is not a willing partner, even when her brain is gone. 

Another thing that doesn't add up is the origin story of Cordell. By now, I know his story by heart, and he never got burned in prison. His face was mutilated but not burned. Over time, his face was decaying and therefore looked like it did. I don't really understand why they had to add fire into the mix. I thought it was extremely dumb.

Overall, there are some scenes and sequences that are fun and entertaining. But compared to the first two, this third entry is awful. The pacing is awful, and Cordell suddenly wanting a partner also doesn't make any sense. At least in the first two parts, it made sense for Matt Cordell to do what he did. Here he basically is called in as a puppet to do someone else's bidding without any protest. The true Cordell would never allow this. If I were you, I would ignore this. You are better off watching the first two again.

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