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Review Maniac Cop 2 (1990): A good sequel!

genre: action, crime, horror

Here I was under the impression I already had written the review for the original. Apparently, I have not done so yet. Fortunately, this is not a big deal. The two leads of the original return in this second part, only to get murdered by Matt Cordell. All you need to know is that Matt Cordell is the Maniac Cop who returns after being brutally murdered in prison. It's safe to say he was innocent, so the powers that be had felt compelled to bring him back.

This injustice has such profound impact on him, he is even willing to side with a ruthless serial killer, brilliantly played by Leo Rossi. Although, this is just a means to an end. Cordell wants justice. And wants to be redeemed. Who wouldn't understand this? Still, he does kill innocent people. That is not something I can accept and condone. Especially, since even being death, he has a great sense of what is right and wrong. Apparently, the injustice done to him is more important than anything else. I get it, it's personal.

So yes, Bruce Campbell and Laurene Landon briefly return after their adventure in the original only to get brutally murdered anyway. Fortunately, we have Robert Davi and Claudia Christian to take over. They take their roles seriously and do to give this sequel the gravitas it deserves. The pacing from this film compared to the original is quite fast. You barely get the chance to think about events, which is a good thing since the combo Matt Cordell and Turkell can come across as comical.

Shortly after writing this review I decided to watch the original again And I have to say that the first is more horror oriented where the emphasis in the sequel lies more on the action. Definitely, a must-watch!

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