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Review Bad Boys Ride or Die (2024): Blast from start to finish!

genre: action, adventure, comedy

The franchise had managed to reinvent itself by infusing more style and choreographed action with Bad Boys for Life. Honestly, I thought that with both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence getting older that the third entry was their last. Apparently, they are truly here for life. And then there is the Will Smith incident that caused the production to stop. While I still don't agree with his stupid behaviour, I am not one to have my enjoyment ruined because an actor did something wrong. I mean, most of the actors have done something inexcusable. Should I then always stop watching a film with that actor in it? Most of the time, I am able to focus on the work and the art. I think that is the best way to go, otherwise you wouldn't be able to watch that much any more.

Ride or Die is far from perfect, but damn, the comedy is gold. Martin Lawrence cracked me up. But I liked how almost every character have their own little arc. I won't spoil, but there was one real surprise which was due. More and more this is becoming like Fast and Furious where things get bigger and more ridiculous each part, but in such a way that it's fun and where the characters do bring something to the table. After the first two films, I honestly never expected Bad Boys to be the franchise it has become. But it's here and looks like not going away any time soon.

Story wise, it's a bit far-fetched and dumb, but solid enough to put events and characters in motion. You hardly get time to catch your breath, since either you are served laughter or kick ass action. I think the comedy is that one element that Bad Boys separated itself from the rest. One can argue about the level and quality of that comedy. But so far Martin Lawrence has never let me down. He truly is a funny individual. Put him amidst Will Smith and Joe Pantoliano and he is even better. Speaking of Joe. He is back. Quite brilliant how they managed to have him be in the film and still be very vital. Almost genius. The action is ramped up even more than in the previous film but perhaps a little more chaotic.

Overall, it's a blast from start to finish.

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chrichtonsworld reviews Bad Boys franchise

Listed here are all the productions in the Bad Boys franchise.

- Bad Boys: Los Angeles (2022-)
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Review 1990 Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection: A fun Chuck Norris film that you absolutely should not take seriously!

genre: action, crime

Other than the main character, this sequel has very little to do with the original. Tonally, quite different and far more campy. Now, that being said, for what it is, I dug it.

I mean, I could make a big deal out of it how the original was a very serious affair and where the action served to accommodate that story. Here, it's just an excuse to have Chuck and co, shooting first and asking questions later. The way I like it, by the way. Still, that doesn't dismiss the bad pacing issues this film is suffering from. The film starts out quite well, with a bang, very reminiscent of the tale told in Licence to Kill, I wouldn't be surprised if they had borrowed this story line from that film. But can't deny its effectiveness. We get introduced to our villain and what he is capable off. Mind you, Billy Drago has one of those faces who just looks evil. He basically could just sit there, and you would feel compelled to shoot him.

Then, when the action has to start, Delta Force 2 slows down considerably, arguably to build up suspense and tension, although it never feels like it does. For me, it seemed filler content, thus completely pointless. I mean, we get to see (mostly) stuntman climbing this mountain, and it takes a while. I am all for showing the dangers and all that, but in this case, none of it was truly exciting or exhilarating. It was also relatively easy for Col. Scott McCoy (Chuck) to infiltrate. It's also funny that when McCoy was training, he dominated all the members of his team so easily. And the first encounter with an actual enemy, he suddenly gets overpowered so quickly, to then strike back as if he finally remembered how to tackle this situation. My point is, that there was absolutely no need for this fight to take as long as it occurred, since soon after he gets captured anyway. Why does McCoy even take time to fight if you can easily dispose of an enemy with a gun or knife?

But fortunately, the magnum opus kicks in, and it's basically non-stop action until the credits. A little over the top but entertaining. Although, one could say that this Delta Force is incapable of surgical strikes. One example. General Taylor (John P. Ryan) is told that a team member is wounded and inside a hut. McCoy requests him to take him in. How does Taylor respond? To shoot a barrage of missiles at a bunch of cartel hoodlums still on the ground and all the huts in the village. I am pretty sure that everybody and their momma would have been MDK'd if they were still present. Talk about excessive. Still, it made me laugh and therefore adds to the fun factor.

Overall, a fun Chuck Norris film that you absolutely should not take seriously!

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Review Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (1992): Dumb!

genre: action, horror

Both Maniac Cop and Maniac Cop 2 are little gems. One is more mystery horror oriented and the sequel more action oriented. But both were about Matt Cordell getting justice. His story was concluded. Although the ending suggests differently.

For some unknown reason, Matt Cordell gets resurrected again by a voodoo priest. The priest tells Cordell he has an important job to do. And that is to save and protect Katie Sullivan, who has the reputation to be just as deadly and effective as Matt Cordell. Cordell is very game for this prospect and even projects his dream wedding upon Katie, who basically is brain-dead. Frankie Jessup and his accomplice are responsible for this. So one would think that Cordell would focus on that. But no, like with his own case, he wants to clear Katie's name first. Cordell does this like we are used to from him, and it's great. What isn't great, is the fact that Cordell really has no reason to be there. He finally had found peace, but now gets awoken by this priest and be miserable again for some undead waifu? It doesn't make much sense. And for a minute I liked the idea of the maniac cop having a female partner cleaning the streets of all the scum and filth. Sadly, the film never really goes into this direction since Katie definitely is not a willing partner, even when her brain is gone. 

Another thing that doesn't add up is the origin story of Cordell. By now, I know his story by heart, and he never got burned in prison. His face was mutilated but not burned. Over time, his face was decaying and therefore looked like it did. I don't really understand why they had to add fire into the mix. I thought it was extremely dumb.

Overall, there are some scenes and sequences that are fun and entertaining. But compared to the first two, this third entry is awful. The pacing is awful, and Cordell suddenly wanting a partner also doesn't make any sense. At least in the first two parts, it made sense for Matt Cordell to do what he did. Here he basically is called in as a puppet to do someone else's bidding without any protest. The true Cordell would never allow this. If I were you, I would ignore this. You are better off watching the first two again.

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Review Maniac Cop 2 (1990): A good sequel!

genre: action, crime, horror

Here I was under the impression I already had written the review for the original. Apparently, I have not done so yet. Fortunately, this is not a big deal. The two leads of the original return in this second part, only to get murdered by Matt Cordell. All you need to know is that Matt Cordell is the Maniac Cop who returns after being brutally murdered in prison. It's safe to say he was innocent, so the powers that be had felt compelled to bring him back.

This injustice has such profound impact on him, he is even willing to side with a ruthless serial killer, brilliantly played by Leo Rossi. Although, this is just a means to an end. Cordell wants justice. And wants to be redeemed. Who wouldn't understand this? Still, he does kill innocent people. That is not something I can accept and condone. Especially, since even being death, he has a great sense of what is right and wrong. Apparently, the injustice done to him is more important than anything else. I get it, it's personal.

So yes, Bruce Campbell and Laurene Landon briefly return after their adventure in the original only to get brutally murdered anyway. Fortunately, we have Robert Davi and Claudia Christian to take over. They take their roles seriously and do to give this sequel the gravitas it deserves. The pacing from this film compared to the original is quite fast. You barely get the chance to think about events, which is a good thing since the combo Matt Cordell and Turkell can come across as comical.

Shortly after writing this review I decided to watch the original again And I have to say that the first is more horror oriented where the emphasis in the sequel lies more on the action. Definitely, a must-watch!

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Review Maniac Cop (1988): Awesome!

genre: horror, action, crime

In a world full of crime and terror, we usually count on the police to serve and protect us. What if one of them gets out of control and turns into the terror the public flees from.

The Maniac Cop in this film kills innocents and apparently is savvy enough to frame another cop, Jack Forrest, played by Bruce Campbell, for the crimes committed. I liked how in the film everything is set up as a slasher film with the required red herrings and other misdirections. The killings seem random, but are they? Normally, I am not a fan of innocent people being chased and persecuted. Still, I have to hand it to them that from the perspective from the police, Jack Forrest sure does look guilty. Even his own wife wasn't sure about him. Kudos for Bruce to play a sleazy guy who you do end up rooting for.

Up until this point, you could get the impression you are dealing with a cop in dire straits who has lost it. Until you find out it's much worse. Our maniac cop is relentless, brutal and yes, quite scary. No one is safe. And to sell you all of this, there are a few names in the film who give the events the much-needed credibility. The main one is Tom Atkins as the experienced cop who sees right through the BS. Naturally, Bruce Campbell is great. But he is serious to the bone. For some, that might be a hard pill to swallow, since we love his Ash character so much that we expect all his characters to be like him.

There is one other thing I need to mention. I watched the extended version, where some lower quality scenes are added to tie into the Matt Cordell story. They never truly capitalize on this, so I wonder why they had cut these scenes, since they do add to the big question of why Matt Cordell is so hell-bent on revenge. Or maybe, they always had the intention to make a sequel and therefore reserved this vital part for the sequel, to deepen the story.

Overall, Maniac Cop, is awesome! Certainly, one I can recommend.

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Review Trinil: Kembalikan Tubuhku (2024): True evil come in all forms!

genre: drama, horror, mystery

Like with most ghost / demon stories, not everything is what they seem. But I can honestly tell you, that you won't be prepared for some of the events you are going to be confronted with.

Now, since explaining this would require me to spoil things I won't since obviously discovery of new angles on the story is the most fun part and actually is against my own rules. I don't care if a film is ancient, if surprise is a major component of the film, I won't spoil it. Or at least try my hardest not to. Let's say that this film is filled with supernatural elements, and one could argue that they are a consequence of wickedness and depravity. It's therefore intentional that when these sequences occur, they are only scary for the people preyed upon and not for the viewer. I wished they hadn't chosen this route, since that for me is one of the most important elements a horror should abide by.

Fortunately, the elements that are focused on will be experienced as horrific. Only not the tension or dread kind. So for at least an hour, you will have to endure the not so scary supernatural horror tale before it turns into a different kind of story. I do think, that this is the saving grace of the film. Naturally, people expecting all the horror goodness will be disappointed. Yet, one should view this as one of those old school fairy tales with a moral ending. This film is trying to teach people something.

Overall, an interesting approach to horror!

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Filmography Russel Crowe

Listed here are all the titles Russel Crowe was involved in as an actor, director and producer.

1990 Prisoners of the Sun
1990 The Crossing
1991 Proof
1991 Spotswood
1992 Romper Stomper
1993 Hammers Over the Anvil
1993 The Silver Brumby
1993 For the Moment
1993 Love in Limbo
1994 The Sum of Us
1995 The Quick and the Dead
1996 No Way Back
1996 Virtuosity
1996 Rough Magic
1997 L.A. Confidential
1997 Heaven's Burning
1997 Breaking Up
1999 Mystery, Alaska
1999 The Insider
2000 Gladiator
2000 Proof of Life
2001 A Beautiful Mind
2003 Master and Commander: 
The Far Side of the World
2005 Cinderella Man
2006 A Good Year
2007 Bra Boys: Blood Is Thicker than Water
2007 3:10 to Yuma
2007 American Gangster
2008 Body of Lies
2009 Tenderness
2009 State of Play
2010 Robin Hood
2010 The Next Three Days
2012 Les Misérables
2013 Broken City
2013 Red Obsession
2014 Winter's Tale
2014 Noah
2014 The Water Diviner
2015 Fathers and Daughters
2017 War Machine
2018 Turtle Odyssey
2018 Boy Erased
2019 True History of the Kelly Gang
2022 Prizefighter: The Life of Jem Belcher
2022 The Greatest Beer Run Ever
2022 Poker Face
2024 The Exorcism
2024 Kraven the Hunter †
TBD Rothko †
Nuremberg †

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Review Land of Bad (2024): Had a real blast watching this!

genre: action, thriller

Land of Bad looks like a generic action title Nicolas Cage would make. Fortunately, this is not the case. The film actually manages to do a lot with minimal storytelling. I was actually surprised by how immersed I was.

Back in my day, I consumed films like these like there was no tomorrow. You had to, since then there still was a scarcity when it came to AAA titles. You were forced to watch B titles or any other older film that was available in the video rental store. Although, I do need to state that the overall quality of those B films were superior to the crap that comes out today. Land of Bad in that regard is top-notch. Due to how it's filmed, how the action is choreographed and how it's told. Actually, this is a showcase of how to be efficient and raise tension with minimal story and characterization. You know just enough about who is who and what they stand for and what they are capable of. 

Liam Hemsworth is real solid as the remote Air Force drone operator who is the fish out of water. It's implied he doesn't have that much experience combat wise. You can tell they way he responds to attacks. Especially, in the beginning he is overwhelmed but due to support from Reaper (Russel Crowe) and necessity he steps up. I liked how he wasn't a Rambo or Superman, where he very easily disposed of the enemies. Although, at one moment, he is on point and focused constantly. 

Russel Crowe as always brings a level of sincerity and magnitude like only he can. His role isn't that big, but it is very pivotal. And he has his own struggles and demons to battle with. To be fair, the entire cast was good. Milo Ventimiglia as Sugar was badass. I had a real blast watching this and not a huge fan of country but pay special to the song Paint it Blue. It's a real banger!

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Review Mad Max (PS4 / 2015): Worth playing!

genre: action, adventure

Sometimes you have certain games you can't get into. That doesn't necessarily say anything about the quality of the game. Perhaps just the mood or mindset of the one who wants to play it. I think I tried to play the game three times, and every time something came in between. Because of Furiosa I made an extra effort to play and finish it.

This time I stuck with it and found my overall gaming experience to be quite pleasant. Although, I do think there are some caveats one has to take in account. Since they chose an Ubisoft type of open world the game is filled with several side activities and all kinds of collectibles. You don't have to do these but since you do collect scrap (the currency in this world) and tokens (to upgrade Max) it is recommended since especially the later missions you will find that the enemies are tougher. The game rarely tells you this, but the upgrade system regarding your car(s) isn't as straightforward as it seems. Basically, you have to look at the build and decide what part is going to be most crucial for your mission. To increase defence you can choose to install armour and spikes for example. However, this will make your car heavier and thus affect your speed. While often than not, defence will help you survive attacks by enemies. Still, there were some missions where the odds were stacked against you until you choose to ditch the armour and go for speed. They do give you the choice to pick other cars that are specifically suited for certain missions, but to be honest, I stuck with my Magnum Opus since that one rocked. The car combat is definitely one of the highlights in the game, although I do think that some enemies, even the supposed weaker ones, can be quite dangerous if you don't pay attention.

The biggest problem of the game is that in essence it's very repetitive. There are a couple of regions you have to clear in order to advance, but you have to do the same type of missions over and over again. The best way for me was to play the game for 2 hours a day and call it quits if I got fed up. Like I said, it's not necessary for you to clear entire regions so you can focus on the main missions. But I do think some side missions will give you certain upgrades, so I do recommend doing them. Also, because they will offer some variation to the core gameplay.

Visually speaking, the game is gorgeous. But for whatever reason, playing this PS4 game on PS5 doesn't improve the performance. There is no FPS boost nor HDR. So if you have the chance I would play it on the XBOX SERIES X since on there you will get FPS boost and auto HDR. Story wise it's as minimal as in the films, except it does tie into the world that is set up in Mad Max: Fury Road. Even when it is claimed that this game is not canonical, some ideas from George Miller have been implemented. Scrotus is an important character. The game refers to Dr. Dementus. And then there is Chumbucket. He is a tragic figure. Living for repairing cars and driving in them. Every time you do something cool with your car, he will express joy so contagious you can't help but feel for him. While Max is usually decent to him, he can be a dick to him while if it weren't for Chumbucket, Max would have died. I guess, Max figures that we repay Chum Bucket by upgrading the Magnus Opus and doing God's work by using it as God has intended. The game expands on the world building that started in Fury Road only a videogame can. Through the missions you start to understand that the path Max is on is one that goes into a loop and very likely why wants to stay clear from people as much as possible. So basically, a very tragic figure too.

Overall, I think the Mad Max game is a good addition in the franchise and is worth playing!

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