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My thoughts on Strange Darling (2023), Conclave (2024) and Heretic (2024)

Strange Darling (2023)

Strange Darling has a short running time. I mean, it's a running time, I can appreciate it if every scene matters. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, writer / director JT Mollner thinks he can copy Quentin Tarantino and tell a narrative to thrill and excite us. But what we get is a simple story that is drawn out and has no point.

Granted, the film does succeed in making things seem one way to then direct you towards something else. Had Mollner kept doing this, then maybe Strange Darling would have been worth it. As it is, it simply disappoints in bringing you real thrills. Because for the most part, the film is super predictable.

I honestly don't understand why people are hyping this film so much. Apart from one or two surprises, it's a quite boring affair. Even with the chapters out of order, you will have a good idea where it's going and how it is going to end. I fail to see how that could ever be exciting.

Conclave (2024)

Film with a big cast and premise that certainly belongs in the realm of a religious thriller like The Da Vinci Code.

Unfortunately, Conclave is subjected to wokism of the highest order. This film tries to be Game of Thrones or I, Claudius without the intrigue or substance to back it up. There is one element in this film that is definitely going to shock or upset people, but at the same time demands the audience to get with the program. I was very willing to. Only the film doesn't really give you a good reason to do so.

The good cast is mostly wasted, even if they do their best to make it worth your wile.  Sadly, the end result is a completely forgettable thriller that I can't recommend.

Heretic (2024)

The Hugh Grant I know always was capable of displaying evil. I remember a TV show he was in where he did the nastiest things. But that is not what he is famous for. 

In Heretic Hugh Grant is able to play evil while remaining charming for the most part. Sometimes it is necessary for films to be superficial and make a clear and simple distinction of who is evil and who is good. This often leads to cartoony performances, which might not always be appreciated. It really depends on the film. Heretic clearly wants to make a statement about religion and how it is perceived. This demands a subtle approach, even though the film does require you to suspend disbelief, I would argue that at times it seems legit concerning the arguments they use. But I was expecting far more in this department. It's Grant's character who does most of the discussing, and the two girls are merely responding to some of that. I think Heretic would have been stronger had these two girls been more fierce and convincing in their own rights. Then again, they are the victims of the story, and it's understandable they are not in the position to respond like they would in a normal situation.

The horror in the film might not be as impressive as one would expect, since the film simply lacks the real thrills and tension to make that happen. But Hugh Grant is definitely the sole reason to watch the film, since he never has been this creepy. The funny thing is that this character probably is one of the most realistic characters he has ever played, since people like this actually exist. Just look up a post on Reddit or Quora to get a taste of that.

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