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Review The Battle Wizard a.k.a. Tian long ba bu (1977): Utter madness!

genre: wuxia, martial arts, fantasy

The Battle Wizard is utter madness. Even if I could describe what I have seen, I would never be able to do it justice.

Apparently, this wuxia film is based on the first story arc of Demi gods and Semi devils. It's not that long ago that I have seen Sakra, so I could taste the similarities of the story on an emotional level. High and complex melodrama full of twists and turns where people need very little motivation to turn on each other. I was paying attention as much as I could, but if you were to ask me what some of the characters were so angry and vengeful about, I couldn't tell you. It was easier to follow and accept the tale without being too critical. I did like that most of the female characters were just as important as the male ones. Some Western female actors are under the impression they invented the wheel, but while they weren't even born yet, The Shaw Brothers Studios had women kicking ass left and right. I need to mention Tanny Tien Ni and Lin Chen-Chi. They are the ones who teach Danny Lee's character some valuable lessons. Since Prince Tuan Yu (Danny Lee) shows very little interest in learning martial arts until he is confronted with some harsh truths. He is almost the damsel in distress for a large part of the film. It's refreshing to see this in an older film. But unlike contemporary counterparts, he is not being made fun of. Both of the women I mentioned want him to become a Kung fu master. The way he achieves this immensely hilarious but, strangely enough, quite exciting!

Of course, most people are here for the action, which you get plenty of. Although, it's more of the fantastical kind with very little martial arts that is grounded. So get used to people using laser beams, real life snakes and frogs as weapons. But there is more. Trust me, you don't want me to spoil things for you. It's better to let yourself get overwhelmed by the madness. The least you know, the better.

Overall, from start to finish, this is a blast!

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