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Review Man on the ledge (2012): Not a movie that will impress but it entertains and sometimes that is all you could ask for.

genre: action, thriller

The premise in itself is pretty original. Only the execution is a much lesser thrilling experience than it could have been. The pace is too fast and the twists and turns are too predictable. And that would not have been a problem if there had been some buildup in tension. Which is the main culprit. Events simply happen without giving a real sense of urgency. The acting is not superb by any means but it was more than efficient to tie the events together. There are some nice little intermezzo's between Jamie Bell's character and his lovely girfriend played by Genesis Rodriguez. If only the same could be said about the interactions between Sam Worthington and Elisabeth Banks. It should have been fireworks between them. Sadly they barely make a connection. Although most blame for that lies in the writing. Most of the writing is very minimal. Thrillers like these need back stories with substance. Lack of a story can enhance suspense. Here it kills it. But even with all these  flaws I did find myself enjoying this movie. It's not a movie that will impress but it entertains and sometimes that is all you could ask for. 


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