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Review Boar (2017): It's a bore!

genre: horror

A family find themselves cornered by a big monster when they visit their family in the Australian outback. As the title suggests it's a boar. A real big one. #boar #horrormovies #horror #razorback

Please watch / listen to our thoughts in the video review underneath:

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Review The Wretched (2019): Creepy and thrilling!

genre: horror, mystery

After his parents' divorce, Ben moves in with his father. Very soon, he sees something strange happening next door. It's at this moment he gets obsessed with them. He has a very good reason, too. But like with Rear Window and similar films, nobody believes him. #thewretched #horrormovies  #horror #reviews

Please watch / listen to our thoughts in the video review underneath!

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Review Howl (2015): Tense and terrifying!

genre: horror, mystery, thriller

A couple of passengers end up stranded on a train in a forest area where things start to get real bad. If that isn't enough, not all the passengers get along with each other. Please watch / listen to out video review underneath.

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Review Them Season 1 and 2: Scary and Creepy show with social commentary!

genre: horror, mystery, drama

The first season of Them is about a black family coming to live in a white neighbourhood in 1953. The people there aren't happy with this. All events that happen to family can be seen as spoilers, so that is why we didn't go into them.

The second season of Them is about a different family but also have to deal with a lot of racial issues. This is during the period the Rodney King riots happened. The lead is played by Deborah Ayorinde, who returns to the show as a different character, Detective Dawn Reeve. I know it is a little confusing at first, I guess that is the idea, but it will make sense. In hindsight, they could and should have done more with the serial killer element. And with that I mean to give you many red herrings and such. It's too on the nose. And stories like these often work better if you are subtle.

Please watch and listen to our thoughts in the video underneath.

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Review Night of the Creeps (1986): Very underrated horror flick!

genre: comedy, horror

Before The Monster Squad there was Night of the Creeps. It might not have a strong story, it sure delivers on the horror goodness and everything Eighties.

In my book, that is a big plus. Two very unlikely heroes suddenly have to deal with alien slugs who turn people into zombies. Did I get your attention now? And to make it even more compelling, the special effects are top-notch. All practical! It's such a feast for the eyes. Then there is Tom Atkins as the hard-boiled cop, Ray Cameron, who is on a mission to terminate the alien threat. These alien slugs BTW are hard to defeat. If a body they have taken over gets shot or terminated, they just go on their merry way to new victims. That makes them far more efficient and terrifying than the traditional zombies.

And I thought the soundtrack was killer. Especially one theme in particular. The one underneath. But there are other older songs that recreate the vibe of the times extremely well! I have watched this film many times, and it never gets boring. One title I can recommend for sure!

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Filmography Fred Dekker

Listed here are the titles Fred Dekker was involved in as a writer / director.

1985 House (writer)
1987 House II: The Second Story (writer)
1991 Ricochet (writer)
1991 If Looks Could Kil; (writer)
1993 RoboCop 3 (writer / director)

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Review Ad Vitam (2025): Patrick Dempsey lookalike kicking ass!

genre: action, drama, thriller

Ad Vitam is a French action thriller with a twist. It has good action for sure. But it relies heavily on the dynamics between the characters.

The lead is played by Guillaume Canet who is a dead ringer for Patrick Dempsey. But what makes him even more special, is his willingness to do most of his stunts himself. In films like these, that does add to the fun factor, so I will always applaud that. Normally, I also like it when the film gives us some backstory on our heroes and the people they interact with. In this case, though, I think they spent a little too much time on that. At one point, it's very clear of who is who and what they stand for. Why not focus on the action and the thrills. 

Perhaps, you might think I am superficial. But I can assure you I am not. Thing is that the story and characterization itself is very basic. It easily could have gone deeper and more complex. Only they avoided this, since they did have an apparent goal. And that is for our lead, Franck, to do whatever it takes to rescue his wife. When an urgent event like that gets distracted by a long flashback, it takes you out of the film. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this film, even when it dragged a little concerning the backstory. But I was invested through and through.

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Review Back in Action (2025): The type of film I expect to be on Netflix!

genre: action, comedy, espionage

In all honesty, I kind of have a love / hate relationship with Netflix. On the one hand, I love the convenience of watching a whole season in one sitting. On the other hand, I dislike the fact that it is very hard to find something to watch. It's safe to say, that browsing on Netflix is a real pain in the tuchus. Still, Netflix is the ideal service to watch stuff on a whim.

Back in Action, falls in the category of an action / comedy that is fun while it lasts. It offers uncomplicated fun, but has enough to make it seem fresh. In this case, it's the pairing of Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz. I wouldn't say they have excellent chemistry, but they are both professional enough to make it seem like they do. Thanks to Foxx Diaz came out of retirement and not going lie, it was good to see her back in action, yes pun intended.

The addition of Kyle Chandler, Glenn Close and Andrew Scott adds to the viewing experience. Close is funny as the stuck up grandma, and Scott is killing it as the scorned lover who just can't move on. I like Chandler. Ever since I have seen him in Early Edition. I am so glad to be seeing him doing so well. And I hope he keeps doing so!

The story itself is incredibly predictable. Then again, the film doesn't really rely on the twist and turns. It's an action flick with comedy elements. Perhaps comedy wise it could have been stronger, but on the action front it's satisfying enough.

Overall, one I can recommend!

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Review Venom: The Last Dance (2024): The worst in the trilogy!

genre: comic book adaptation, action, adventure, science fiction

The first two films in the Venom franchise already were pretty mediocre. But at least they offered some fun entertainment. This last entry, let's hope this really is the last entry, is a major step down. It really felt like nobody cared any more. 

Tom Hardy often looked like he was just there for the paycheck. But he tried to make it look like he really wanted to be there. In this part, he forsakes that and was happy for  CGI Venom to take over. And if I am not mistaken, there is far more Venom than in the first both parts together. Normally, that would be something I would root for. But this version of Venom had been a joke since the original. And who wants more of that? I even convinced Mrs. P to watch this with me. Thirty minutes in and she fell asleep. She is a Tom Hardy fan. Actually, I need to rephrase it. She used to be a Tom Hardy fan. Not anymore. 

After having viewed the trailer I already knew that The Last Dance was going to be bad. But I had hope that it at least would offer some nice spectacle and action. Forget about it! The few one moments hardly make up to sit through this average film. It was always a weird decision to try to make films without Spider-Man. Venom's whole core exists because of him. And sure, you can have Venom have his own films but as an anti-hero? Venom is a villain. He eats people. The symbiote isn't a fun and jokey character. He would manipulate and force Eddie Brock to do the things he want. Now, if these films would have been about Eddie Brock and the symbiote battling it out and striking a balance and then doing evil things, I think that would have made the films more compelling. Especially, if they would be fighting other villains in Spider-Verse.

Overall, it's almost a drag to get through. I can't recommend this at all, not even as dumb popcorn fun.

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Review Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025): Not as good as the original but Butler will make it worth it!

genre: action, crime, heist, thriller

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera, is the sequel nobody asked for but got anyway. And the sole reason for me to watch this is, Gerard Butler. If he is in it, I will watch it. Has he ever let me down? I don't think so.

Apparently, they were very aware of this fact, since he is the one who steals every scene he is in. The crime / heist plot is predictable as hell. But even then there were some compelling scenes that very briefly would make you doubt a little. The one main issue I had was the fact that Donnie Wilson, played by O'Shea Jackson Jr. wasn't on Big Nick. He is supposed to be this mastermind, but here he is shown that apparently he always has been very lucky. If you think about it, this undermines the twist of the original. And yes, this sequel commits the carnal sin of revealing the twist in the original.

Maybe one can argue, that they wanted to make you think that there would be more twists. And yes, there are, but not surprising ones. The original film wasn't a masterpiece by a long shot, but at least it had tension and good action. This sequel is quite slow burning and only in the heist scene do you get some of the tension, most fans are craving. The action is there, but not as plentiful as I would like.  Somehow, I had the feeling that this would be this case. Hence, I was waiting for a rollercoaster ride full of twist and turns. It would have made the viewing experience, so much more fun.

Then again, like I said. Butler is at his best. He alone will make it worth your time!

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