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Review Judge Dredd (1995): An average title!

genre: comic book adaptation, action, crime, science fiction

Back when this came out, almost every action fan would go watch this film purely because of the involvement of Sylvester Stallone. The comic book fans hated it. People like me were on the fence. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. Now after so many years my sentiments have remained the same.

Visually and stylistically, Judge Dredd delivers. You really get a good sense of the world and how chaotic it is. On everything else Judge Dredd is a little lacking. This film went into a direction without establishing properly what Dredd was about. We don't really know him that well. Just because Stallone is playing him, we know he is the good guy who is being framed. I personally would have seen more examples of dealing with thugs and people how his actions could have been interpreted as unlawful. Or perhaps show examples where he did let people go because the law he knows was insufficient to address the situation. But you never get this.

The whole double cross plot could have been far more compelling. Now it's just something that moves Dredd from location A to location B. Sidekick Rob  Schneider is completely useless. One could argue he is there to show that the judgements of Dredd could be questioned. Only they never go deeper into this. Sylvester just grunts. It doesn't really matter much, since all he cares for is dealing with the bad guys who wrongfully accused him. 

Judge Dredd certainly is missing elements that could have turned this into a classic. I don't think it's deserving of hate. But it's not deserving of praise either. So overall, it's an average title.

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Review Deadpool & Wolverine (2024): I loved it!

genre: super hero, comedy, action, science fiction

The third part in the Deadpool franchise and the one that has entered MCU because legally Deadpool, The X-Men and many other heroes belong to Disney now. It was always going to be challenging to have Deadpool be part of MCU, since, like in one of his many breaking the fourth wall sessions, it was going to be impossible for Deadpool to censor himself. So very wisely they decided to not do so. 

And this is where Deadpool & Wolverine shines. It's uncompromising raunchy and juvenile comedy. More so than in previous entries, I was laughing throughout. The film is also filled with many cameos and Easter eggs. Some of them were epic. Unfortunately, those got spoiled to me by the internet. Damn you Gen Z for doing so. Us old school people want to be surprised.  But I can safely say, that even knowing won't lessen the impact. They made sure that their presence matters. That being said, since most of the focus lies on the nostalgia factor and the comedy, everything else has taken a backseat somewhat. The story is super thin and the action is not that memorable. To make a comparison. I thought that the second one was superior in every way. It struck a nice balance between comedy, action and intrigue. 

This film also marks the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Maybe this is a controversial notion. While I liked Hugh as Wolverine. I didn't really see the need for him to return to the franchise. This Deadpool film even shows a comic book accurate Wolverine, and deep down I wanted that more than Hugh's version. Logan was a good ending for anyone involved, plus a proper conclusion for the fans. But I guess he was a favourite to many, and he certainly had good chemistry with Deadpool. Something fans had been craving decades. So yes, it was good to see Jackman and I wouldn't mind seeing him return if he is still up for it.

But in hindsight, it makes sense why they took this approach. A lot of what happens in the film should be taken with a grain of salt. It completely doesn't mesh with established story lines in the MCU, but if they want, they can tap into what this film has brought. The X-Men (or some of them) could now appear in all the MCU films and that is going to be awesome no matter what the future films will be about. At this point, I am not sure where Marvel is heading. Their latest entries have been real disappointing and they needed a win. In that regard, they have succeeded.

Overall, most people will love this entry, but I can see how some will dislike this. The type of comedy is something you have to like or be in the mood for. And usually you can disregard the comedy to focus on the action and spectacle. People wanting that will be disappointed. In the end, this is a standalone Marvel film with minor impact on the whole of MCU unless they can prove me wrong!

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Review Temurun (2024): Enjoyable while it lasts!

genre: horror, thriller, mystery

Temurun starts with exposition on Dewi and Sena, brother and sister. Dewi for the most part takes care of her mother, who is mentally ill. Or at least that is what it seems like. For Dewi this doesn't matter much as she loves her mother very much. Sena, is resentful towards his mother and indirectly to his sister. 

Disaster strikes when two robbers come to their home and want the money back they are owed. Apparently, Sena was in debt. The dire consequence is that the mother gets killed. You would think that Sena, who does seem to be responsible for the robbers, to be there to show more guilt. Then again, Sena seems to be in this everlasting state of mind where he still resents his sister. After the tragedy, the father shows up and wants to take them in. Sena is welcoming him with open arms but now Dewi is hesitant. And she does have a point. Why didn't he reach out before? As it turns out that the new household consisting of the father, loyal workers and their grandma (the boss) is not quite what it seems.

It's very apparent what's going on. The mystery is not that complicated. But even if you were fooled, the film tells you from time to time what you need to know. I think this is where misdirection could have helped improve this film. Since this was the first proper film Inarah Syarafina has directed, I don't think you can fault her for not building up the intrigue even more. The little we have is compelling enough. I do appreciate that the few bits of creepy scenes are effective.  They aren't overdone and might be the saving grace of the film. Plus, the actors do a good job of being humans with complex emotions.

Overall, Temurun is a morality tale that plays out as it should. It's enjoyable while it lasts. 

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Review Kuyang: Sekutu Iblis yang Selalu Mengintai (2024): Not that bad, but not great either!

genre: drama, horror, thriller

Premise wise, this had me invested for quite a while. Until I realized that this film focused more on the twist and turns and not to instil real terror and dread.

It's obvious, that this film is a play on the Dayak mythology where a witch is able to detach the head from their body. Somewhat similar to the Thai film called, Inhuman Kiss. A couple who are in dire straits are in debt and have decided to start a new life in some remote village. The second they leave their old home, the wife gets haunted. From this point, she in particular is subjected to terror, or at least that is how it is interpreted. Of course, they are wondering what is going on and who is behind it. Very soon they are on the culprits. But this is where things get stranger and weirder.

For the most part, I dug this film. For a while, it did seem there was more to the events than we were let on. However, the film takes its sweet time to get to the point. And when they do, it's too late. The biggest problem I had with this film is how it was never scary. Maybe in parts a little creepy. Just not enough. There were enough moments where they could have amped the horror up. But for whatever reason they never managed to. The twist and turns are a little predictable, which is not that strange since there aren't that many people involved. So you can basically deduce who the villain of the story is. They could have remedied this by proper use of red herrings where events are put upside down.

Overall, a decent watch, it's just not scary!

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Review Fatal Termination a.k.a. Chi se da feng bao (1990): Very average and disappointing Girls with Guns title!

genre: girls with guns, action, gun fu, crime

This is one of the rare titles I could have sworn I have written a review about. Except, I didn't. Usually, this is not a good thing, and I was right. The famous names involved can save this title from drowning.

Who are these names, you might wonder? Well, Robin Shou, Philip Kwok, Ray Liu, Simon Yam and Moon Lee. Especially Yam and Shou are capable of elevating the viewing experience. Unfortunately, most of these big names take a back seat and don't do much relatively speaking. For an action flick, Fatal Termination is surprisingly low on action. And the action that is present is not memorable at all. Not even average. For what ever reason, these chose to focus on plot which is nonsensical and illogical. I wouldn't be surprised if they shot this film in one week. But trust me when I say I was bored out of my mind. Not even alcohol could help me increase my enjoyment. 

There is one scene that very likely is highly controversial and could be considered a bit too much. What is this scene? At one point, the daughter of the characters played by Moon Lee and Ray Liu is snatched and held by some random villain. He apparently is super strong and is dangling this little girl out of the car. One has to wonder why the producers would go this far. I would have understood if this was a way to explain that the villains in this film don't mess around. Yet they do and fail to accomplish their goal. So what this scene to intend to shock the audience? I think so. Did it truly impress me? No. Most of the action was average at best. None of it was exciting or memorable. 

I can't honestly not recommend this title. It's easily one of the worst of Hong Kong Productions I have seen. Avoid!

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Review Wolfs (2024): Fun from start to finish!

genre: action, comedy, crime

Both Brad Pitt and George Clooney play professional cleaners, or should I say fixers. They are the ones you call when having to deal with dead bodies. As it happens, one woman, seems to be stuck with a dead body. We don't know what happened or why it happened. It doesn't matter. Clooney is on the case. Until he gets interrupted by another fixer. It's here where things get interesting.

The fixers who pride themselves on getting their job done on their own are now forced to work together. Very reluctantly, they do what is required, only to find out things are far more complicated than they initially thought. Now, this premise might not seem that surprising or compelling, it certainly has a freshness I could appreciate. While for the most part, you are supposed to take some of the acts seriously, you also are supposed to laugh. I certainly wasn't expecting to laugh throughout the film. But I did. In large part due to The Kid, played by Austin Abrams. Goofy but charming, who you want to root for even when he clearly is out of his depth. They don't express themselves in so many words about him, but both Clooney and Pitt develop a soft spot for the kid.

The thriller elements aren't at the forefront, but they way events unfold, they do keep twisting and turning in ways that kept me invested. Of course, this film, wouldn't be anything without the great chemistry between Clooney and Pitt. Their dynamics is what puts this above your average crime story. There was one scene in particular where their feelings about each other are displayed non-verbally. Real good acting on both of their parts.

Overall, a film I definitely can recommend!

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Review Do You See What I See 2024: Totally forgettable!

genre: horror, mystery, 

This is one of those films that could have been good. If it actually increased the dread and creepiness. It certainly had me fooled for a while that it was going to deliver. The cinematography is good. The special effects are decent, and the actors were good. 

Normally, a slow pace helps build up tension and dread. But if it's too slow, it will diminish it. Premise wise, there is a lot to be scared about. Only it takes the film too long to put events in motion. I appreciate how they set up the dynamics between the friends so you get an idea how far they would go to help each other. Especially in horror films, it's important to care about the characters. So I was invested. Problem is that my patience for sitting through most events didn't reward me with thrills and scares. It's too obvious, that something is wrong with Mawar. Instead of celebrating her birthday with her friends, she goes to visit her parent's grave so that they can give their blessing. I understand that this was important for her. What I don't understand, why she went by herself. She could have gone with the friends. Very likely, she should have been fine. At the same time, this would have been a great moment to misdirect. To create some suspense and tension. Sadly, none of this.

To make matters worse, when you finally are thrust into the mystery, they don't even bother explaining the motivation. It's not that I need an elaborate background. Although, in this case, the characters involved aren't even asking why a certain someone would have done that horrible thing. This also could have created a plot that could and should have been explored. Apparently, director Awi Suryadi has directed a couple of popular (in Indonesia) titles. That doesn't bode well for coming viewing experiences, since some of those are on my to watch list. I do have to comment on the high ratings on imdb.com. I don't want to be mean, but they seem like very impressionable individuals who haven't seen that much. They are the types who would get scared by their own shadows. 

I guess, it's not a total waste of your time. But it's incredibly forgettable. 

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Review Happy Birthday to Me (1981): A Canadian Giallo!

genre: horror, slasher, thriller, mystery

A well acted and directed Canadian slasher with clear Giallo elements. Just when you think you know what's going on, you will find out you were wrong. 

I have to say that it was a brilliant move to cast Melissa Sue Anderson as the lead. It helps enhance her innocence. Of course, most people know her from Little House on the Prairie. We know she is a good girl, right? Compared to her friends, she does seem to be a predominantly wholesome girl, but who for some reason has suffered a traumatic past. Slowly but surely, the details get revealed. Glen Ford as her psychiatrist gives the necessary credibility. While this film does take it's time to reveal what's going on, it doesn't hesitate with the murders. They are pretty bloody and gory. The way I like it. But I liked how these murders were set up. It never reveals the killer, but it does throw several red herrings at you left and right. One of the main reasons why I love Giallo so much. It makes the whole viewing experience so much more fun.

But what really makes this a special film is the ending. Don't worry. Not going to spoil it. But it's good to know the original ending was different and that they changed it up. It's because of this change up, the whole film is elevated. Even if it's too wild and far-fetched. Far from perfect, mind you. But I can assure you, it's an ending you will never be able to predict. Granted, the ending can get a little confusing since it tells you elements never exposed before. I guess that was intentional, as they probably wanted you to rewatch the film and then see if you would be able to get the hints. As someone who has seen this, I think, three times, there are some clues you can find that might lead you to the truth. Especially in the way some characters behave. 

One to watch for sure!

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Review The Prodigal Son a.k.a. Pull No Punches a.k.a. Baai ga jai (1981): A Sammo Hung classic!

genre: martial arts, comedy

One of the early Sammo Hung directed films which made its mark on the world, including me. This film hardly messes about. And whatever might seem as filler ties into the main plot in some way. Perhaps the bits with Sammo Hung himself. Although, even then, this serves as exposition to show how special he and his brother are.

His brother is played by Lam Ching-Ying. He is most famous for the Mr. Vampire films. Although in this one, he doesn't have a moustache. In fact, in this film, he is deliberately more portrayed as a man with feminine characteristics. Not uncommon for Chinese Opera, where men also portray the roles of women. Here his role also serves as some kind of protection. This way he can hide his true skills. Unfortunately, because of Yuen Biao's character, he gets exposed. Yuen Biao plays a young man who wants to be the best fighter in his region. He believes to be the champion as his father and servants have made sure he always wins the fights he is engaged with. They accomplish this by bribery. Leung Chan, a famous Wing Chun practitioner, played by Yuen Biao, is not happy with this when he finds out and wants to remedy this. Leung Yee Tai, a Wing Chun master played by Lam Ching-Ying is not interested in teaching him the way until fate forces him too.

The names I mentioned have truly existed, but naturally a lot of dramatic freedom has been taken by Sammo Hung. Most of the time, this film is pretty light. But make no mistake, there are a few pretty brutal scenes in here that will make you feel for the characters who are victimized.  I mean, a lot of people get killed just so that this big honcho can claim to be the champion. As usual with films like these, it's the action that matters, which is absolutely superb.

Overall, a must-watch for fans of the genre!

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My thoughts on Trap (2024), The Watchers (2024) and Twisters (2024)

Trap (2024):


Pretty enjoyable until they got outside.

A M. Night Shyamalan film where they revealed an important twist in the trailer. Why? Why would they do this? If they hadn't, this twist in an instant would have made events thrilling and compelling. Already knowing completely destroys the tension and suspense. I was hoping that there were more twists and turns in place to put everything upside down, and none of that happened. Fortunately, Josh Hartnett did a good job of keeping me invested. 

Overall, it's not bad, but it's not really a title I can recommend.

The Watchers (2024)

Another Shyamalan film, only this time it's not M. Night (he is on board as producer) but his daughter Ishana who also wrote the story.

For her first big film, this certainly is a decent one. Just expect not to be wowed. This is one of those concept films where a lot of is relied on the twist. In this case, it's not one that will have a lot of impact. But to give some credit, the film does do a good job of keeping you guessing for a large part of the film.

Overall, pretty forgettable.

Twisters (2024)

Somehow, I was hyped for this film. I thought, surely they are going for bigger and better, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case. 

This is a film I really don't understand. What should have been a simple but exciting blockbuster, you are served boredom. After all these years and improvements special effects wise, you would think they managed to up the effects of the original. But no, Twister (1996) is far superior to this. Let that sink in. This film is basically a repeat of the original with supposedly more dramatic story. On paper, it might have been that way. The way it is executed, though, I barely felt anything. To be fair, this was the case with the original as well. These films only are effective if the destruction is convincing. And that never happens!

Overall, don't waste your time with it.

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