97 precent of this film takes place on a train. Interesting location, as it doesn't leave that much space to fight one another. So a lot of close quarters combat and very little else. It's therefore not surprising that this film is touted as the Indian Raid and Indian's answer to John Wick. It's also a Die Hard clone. Someone even said that this was superior to Under Siege 2. I know there is a lot of hate towards Steven Seagal. But back in the day, the dude did make some solid films, and Under Siege 2 definitely is one of them. One could get the impression that we would have a masterpiece on our hands. Especially since a lot of people have been praising this film. Once again, I find myself on the opposite end of this, since I absolutely hated this!
I can't tell you how psyched I was to be mesmerized and overwhelmed by good action sequences a la John Wick done by an Indian film company. I always have known that the talent is there, and some films have proven to come close. Although, Kill was supposed to be the one to shake up the world. Imagine my disappointment when after 40 minutes or so I was bored out of my mind. Only here and there did I witness some brilliant choreography, but for the most part it was dumb and uninspired. I could have overlooked the gory violence had there been any momentum to the action sequences. Instead, we get a brutal scene interchanged with people reacting to the ultra violence. That is fine and all. But that can be done without breaking the flow. Kill constantly breaks this. I guess they were going for shock. Thing is with shock, that only works if you don't use it as much and if there is a certain l flow to the events. After a couple of killings, everything got super boring. One could argue that first, the two commandos were trying to minimize the brutality and deaths. At one point, though, that notion is let go off. It's when you get to see the lead smash a thug's head with a fire extinguisher. I must admit that briefly after what had occurred and within the context of the story, this was beautiful. Finally, they took it to the next level. This lasted two minutes. Then they resorted to the same BS in the first 40 minutes.
Overall, Kill is one giant disappointment that is hugely overrated. How anyone can praise such a terrible film is beyond me. I am not even the most demanding when it comes to action. Although I have been an action film fan since I was three. So I know when it's good. This simply isn't the case!
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