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Review Old Dads (2023): It's funny!

genre: comedy

Old Dads is a film about parenthood seen from Bill Burr's perspective and in all honesty probably also from guys of my age. There is a lot of wrong in current society and instead of addressing those real issues people of today focus on the words and perception. It's all fake. 

But how to deal with this? Well, Jack Kelly played by Bill Burr, basically can't and lashes out. Most of the time he is right. There are many situations where people take offence to things that didn't even happen to them. One could argue that this film is an exaggeration of what truly happens. Except, I have seen enough examples in the news and social media to know that the film at times even downplays the insanity. Since this film is written and directed by Bill Burr one can expect some of his raw comedy being displayed on the screen. And it's great. For the most part. There are parts where the sharpness is lost and where events play out super messy. If I had to guess, Bill Burr has acted out one of his stand-up routines without fleshing out the details. He clearly also dialled down the anger and frustration. It's what I basically tuned in for. There were so many times I was ready for his rants, yet they never came. I secretly was hoping that he would make it up to us in the end, where he would win on behalf of all the normal people on his own terms. Unfortunately, Jack Kelly caved and apologized to his wife for his immature behaviour.  I don't agree with that ending. But perhaps this was his way of reaching out an olive branch. Still, it bugs me that none of the women are called out for their bullshit. Like they are always right. I know the current generation thinks they are, but here is some truth for you. You are wrong. I consider myself left leaning politically, and I am from Indian descent, born in The Netherlands. I can definitely tell you that I disagree 95 percent with the whole woke attitude. Won't go into it now before I bore you to death with my personal grievances. Let's just say that I could relate to Jack and his friends. I just wished that Bill Burr would have gone further with the criticism. It was too tame.

That being said, a tame Bill Burr is still funny. I found myself laughing almost every time a joke was cracked, and I can't honestly remember a contemporary comedy doing that. For that, I do thank Bill Burr. He has demonstrated that it's still possible to make funny films if you allow it to happen. 

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